What we do
(Formerly known as "About Us")

MorphX STUDIO is an international multi-disciplinary firm providing a full scope of architectural, master planning, theme park, waterpark, landscape, zoo, interior, and concept design services.
We create ideas and turn ideas to concept...concept to schemes…and schemes into reality through the collaborative mind of our passionate, creative, and peculiar team members.
We work in a playful, fun, positive, and upbeat environment. We always engage ourselves in absorbed exchanges, deliberations, and conversations on unique ideas, work in close collaboration with each other, and integrate the brainstorming output in the design to form a distinctive, custom-fit project to suit our client's needs.
At MorphX STUDIO, we believe we can always create a superb something out of nothing.
ZHAAAAPP!!! Enough on these formal corporate mambo jumbo, here's some of what we're really good at:
We can deliver you the project in a fast turn around phase, and when we say fast, we really mean "lightning fast". That's 270000 mph, we are not scientists, but that's what the Google says about the speed of lightning.
If you love the smell of papers, we still draw by hand, which means we can do the job even if we forgot to pay our bills and our electricity cut. We can do it the super old school way, by drawing using a technical pen, on a tracing paper under a gas lamp.
Being the Techy you are, guess what, being the adoptable we are, we can do digital stuff also, like 3D Visualization, Digital Imaging Presentation. Hail to the digital age - as long as there's no power interruption, otherwise we go the previous "what we're good at" bullet point.
Friendly, yes, you read it right, we are friends...well, as long as you pay...OK, OK even if you don't pay, we're still friends, but there's a but...anyway, we are friendly, end of the story. :-)
Do you want something out of the ordinary? We are crazily creative, to the extent that we always dreamed of your project, meaning, our brain tends to design even in our sleep. We always think creatively of a way to design your project - making it the world-class project you always dreamed of - opting-in some factors like budget, your vision, and your needs, not to mention your rate of return.
Shopping around? We don't own a product, so we are unbiased. We can help you look for the best product for your project. We can only think of what's good for YOU - our client. We only have our gray matter to offer (see the previous bullet point). In case you don't know, gray matter means our brain - got it from Agatha Cristie.
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If you are curious on how we think, check our BLOG HERE
(Conceptual, Schematic and Design Development)
Theme Park
Mixed-Use Development
Zoological Development
Theme Parks
Zoological Development
Architectural and Interior Design
Theming Design
Character Sketch
Concept Design
Architectural Elements
Featured Projects
Theme Parks and Waterpark

Zoological Design

Mixed-Use Development Master Planning

Architecture and Interior